Published on: May 10, 2024
Last updated: Jul 26, 2024

5 Best Onboarding Softwares For Employees in 2024

Confused by employees onboarding software options? This guide explores top picks to help you find the perfect fit for you.

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Starting a new job can be exciting, but also overwhelming. For businesses, getting new hires up to speed quickly is important.

This is where employee onboarding applications come in. They help new employees learn about the company, its culture, its way of working, and the tools they need to succeed. The right tools for onboarding can make this process smoother and more efficient for everyone.

These tools are designed to help businesses of all sizes, in any industry, create a successful onboarding experience for their new hires.

In this article, we'll explore the top 5 employee onboarding software options for 2024.

What is employee onboarding software?

Employee onboarding software is a digital tool that simplifies bringing new employees on board. This platform helps manage the entire process, from sending offer letters to collecting tax forms and setting up access to company programs.

By automating many of the time-consuming tasks, onboarding applications can save HR teams valuable time and reduce errors. They can also eliminate the hassle of paperwork and chasing missing information.

Types of employees onboarding software

There are several options to choose from when it comes to employee onboarding applications.

Here's a breakdown of the most common types:

Cloud-based onboarding platforms

These are web-based systems that you access through your internet browser. They offer a central location for all your onboarding tasks and information, making them accessible from anywhere.

Mobile onboarding apps

New hires can use these apps to complete onboarding tasks and access information right from their smartphones or tablets. This is especially handy for remote teams.

Employee self-service portals

Employee self-service portals give new hires a secure online space to access important onboarding documents, and complete tasks like setting up benefits and updating personal information.

This lets them take control of their onboarding experience.

Integrated HR suites

Some HR software systems include onboarding as part of a larger suite of features. This can be a good fit if you already use an HR system and want a streamlined approach.

Benefits of using employee onboarding software

There are many advantages to using employee onboarding applications. Here are some of the key benefits:


Employee onboarding applications can help ensure you're following all the legal requirements when bringing on new hires. This can save you time, money, and headaches down the road.

Improved engagement

Great onboarding applications go beyond paperwork. They can offer interactive learning paths that make new hires feel welcome and valued from the start. This can lead to higher job satisfaction and morale for your new team members.

Faster time-to-productivity

Employee onboarding applications can provide structured training modules and easy access to essential resources. This helps employees learn about their roles and responsibilities quickly, allowing them to contribute more effectively to the team sooner.

Research by Brandon Hall Group shows that a good employee onboarding product can increase employee productivity by 70-82%.

Reduced administrative burden

Employee onboarding applications automate many administrative tasks, like paperwork and data entry. This frees up your HR team's time to focus on more strategic initiatives and providing support to new hires.

5 best onboarding softwares for employees

We've covered the benefits of employee onboarding applications, now let's delve into some of the top options for 2024


If your company is expecting significant growth or hires a lot of new employees regularly, Sapling could be a great choice. Its focus on automation, clear workflows, and scalability makes it a powerful tool for managing large-scale onboarding.

  • Built to scale: Sapling is a powerful tool for companies that bring on many new employees at once, across different departments and locations. This makes it ideal for businesses that are growing quickly.
  • Automation: Sapling automates many onboarding tasks, saving HR teams valuable time. This is especially helpful as the number of new hires increases.

However, if your needs are more modest, Sapling's features might be more than you need.


Enboarder offers a unique approach to onboarding that focuses on creating a fun and interactive experience for both new hires and managers.

  • Workflow builder: Enboarder uses a visual workflow builder to create onboarding journeys. These journeys include tasks, activities, and assignments for new hires, managers, and even buddies (if applicable).

This allows for a clear and collaborative onboarding experience.

  • Ideal for organizations with mentor systems: Enboarder stands out for its focus on making onboarding fun and engaging for new hires. This can be especially beneficial in workplaces that utilize buddy or mentor systems.

However, if you prefer a simpler onboarding application with fewer customization options, Enboarder might not be for you.


Coassemble tries to give a more engaging experience than traditional dry online learning experiences. It focuses on creating engaging online courses and quizzes for new hires.

  • Interactive learning: Coassemble goes beyond static slides. You can create online courses with interactive elements like quizzes, polls, flowcharts, and timelines.

This approach keeps new hires engaged and actively learning.

  • Employee feedback: Coassemble allows you to collect feedback from new hires through post-course surveys and ratings. This valuable feedback can help you improve your onboarding program over time.

However, if you require a comprehensive onboarding application with features beyond online courses, Coassemble might not be the complete solution for your needs.


Innform creates a unique onboarding experience by incorporating gamification and fostering a sense of community. You can easily create and share engaging content from which your new hires can learn.

  • Gamified onboarding: Innform takes onboarding and injects a healthy dose of competition. New hires earn points and climb leaderboards as they complete training modules. This gamified approach can boost engagement and motivate new hires to actively learn.
  • Empowering new hires: Innform's platform is designed to empower new hires to take ownership of their onboarding journey. The clear and user-friendly interface allows them to easily navigate learning materials and track their progress.

However, if you want a hands-on approach to onboarding, this isn’t for you.

Honorary Mention: Fullview

Guide new hires directly in your product with zero-download cobrowsing and screen control.

While not a traditional employee onboarding application, Fullview's unique features make it a strong choice for companies that heavily rely on digital products or remote employees in their daily operations. If you want a smooth user experience on your onboarding process, Fullview's cobrowsing can be a valuable asset to your onboarding process.

  • Cobrowsing: With the help of Fullview, managers can directly guide new hires through your company's website or web app during a training session with zero-download screen control. This can be particularly useful if your products are digital — like SaaS programs or ecommerce websites. Cobrowsing can allow you to get employees up to speed on your products by guiding them directly on their screens while showing them how to use features. Managers can highlight or annotate as they wish for even more effective producttraining sessions.

This hands-on approach allows HR to walk new hires through the platform step-by-step, answering questions and providing real-time guidance.

  • Supplementing traditional materials: Fullview doesn't replace traditional onboarding materials like manuals and knowledge bases. Instead, it acts as a valuable supplement.

By offering a personalized, interactive experience, Fullview can help new hires grasp concepts and navigate the platform more quickly and effectively.


How do you create an onboarding system?

Creating an onboarding system involves planning and outlining the steps to integrate new hires into your company.

Here's a basic approach:

  1. Define goals: Set clear objectives for your onboarding program.
  2. Map the journey: Outline the steps new hires will take, from pre-boarding to their first few months.
  3. Develop content: Create materials like training modules, handbooks, and welcome videos.
  4. Assign tasks: Delegate responsibilities for onboarding activities to HR, managers, and new hire buddies (if applicable).
  5. Gather feedback: Continuously seek input from new hires to improve your onboarding program.

What are onboarding templates?

Onboarding templates are pre-made outlines or frameworks that provide a starting point for building your onboarding program.

They can include:

  • Sample workflows and checklists
  • Task templates for different roles or departments
  • Email templates for communication with new hires
  • Content suggestions for training materials


The ideal employee onboarding application caters to your specific needs. Remember to consider your culture and budget before making a decision.

For companies that heavily rely on digital products or platforms for core operations, Fullview stands out as a powerful onboarding application.

Fullview's unique cobrowsing capabilities allow HR managers to directly guide new hires through your company's platform, ensuring a smooth learning experience and eliminating confusion.

Whether you're a growing startup or a well-established company, Fullview can be a valuable asset in your onboarding toolkit. Explore the features offered by Fullview and see how it can transform your onboarding process. Learn more here.


Last checked: 14-Apr-2024

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